BKC Aggregators


Precision Farming Advisor App

Fasal Salah is India’s only personal farming advisor designed to help farmers by providing real time personalized crop advisories based on current and forecasted weather.


Fasal salah provides accurate weather forecast, including temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, rainfall and more, ten days in advance. The estimates are highly granular and provide information at a district and even village level. The app also provides real time information about the likelihood of attack of pest and diseases on crop and the best management practices to tackle these issues.

The USP of our application Fasal Salah is:

No app other than Fasal Salah uses AI to track crop health and provides personalized advisories automatically to farmers (based on his crop, his variety, his seed type, date of showing and village forecast of his villages on daily basis.

10 days’ hyper local weather forecast at village level.

An honest effort has been made to move away from traditional extension comprising of general broadcast of “one solution fits all” methodology. It may not be the best way to modernize farming. Each farm is unique. His soil, his seeds, his variety and even dates of sowing could be different and so are his resources at his disposal for farming. Using mobile technology it is now possible to replace old archaic and very expensive extension system by delivering farmers information and alerts best suited to him or her that too in real time with 24X7 availability.

BKC Aggregators

BKC Aggregator Pvt. Ltd.


Advant Navis Business Park Tower B2,
10th Floor, 1002, Noida 201305,
Uttar Pradesh, India

E: info@bkcaggregators.com

P: +91120 4632504/ 517

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